Jebeš vso navlako čustev, ki se nabira, in jo dodatno obremenjuje še ta jebeni božič. Jebeš upe in želje, jebeš misli na lepši jutri. Jebeš idiota, ki se pusti dražiti z lepoto na drugi strani rešetk, katere se nikoli ne bodo odprle.
Vse kar je, je. Nekje med luno, katere del sem, ki je padel na zemljo in ne najde nazaj, ter soncem, ki hrani moj ogenj, jebem vse ostalo.
Jebeš debelega bradatega prasca in njegove pijane jelene...
ponedeljek, 24. december 2007
Jebeš božič!
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 23. december 2007
Lutke niso ljudje,
so za trenutek živeča bitja, ki bodo pozabljena, ko se bo predstava končala. Nimajo svoje volje, so le figure, ki jim človek narekuje dejanja, piše usodo in se izživlja nad njimi. Vsa zadovoljna, da lahko služijo svojemu gospodarju, ne opazijo niti ponižanja, ki sledi absolutnemu prilagajanju.
Veliki, ne postanejo veliki pod vplivom drugih. Njihova dejanja so včasih sporna, včasih tako očitno napačna, da je to vidno tudi najbolj površnemu očesu. A takšna so, zato ker so njihova. Ker so rezultat njihovih misli, ki niso pogojena z mnenjem ter željami drugih.
Veliki so prav zato, veliki zaradi svoje neodvisnosti, individualizma ter hrbtenice, ki je sposobna nositi lastne odločitve ter breme, ki jim sledi.
Kritika je dobra, tudi če je slaba. Samo dejstvo, da je bila podana, pove, da se je nekomu zdelo vredno kritizirat. Nesmiselna je le tista, ki ni utemeljena. In če jo je podal človek, ki misli, potem ni letela na osebo, temveč na dejanje... Sploh pa, kdo pravi, da je kritika relevantna. Je samo mnenje, misel, ki se jo da tudi spremeniti. Nič ni črno ali belo.
Ne bom hvalil, če za pohvalo ni razloga. Ne bom poveličeval, če me ni dvignilo. Bom, ko me bo. Morda nekoč, morda nikoli. In ostal bom pri svojem mnenju, zato ker je v resnici takšno. Všečno ali ne.
Včasih so všečne ali pomembne druge stvari. Zanimivi možici, ki so se pripravljeni pogovarjati z ljudmi o fantaziji, kljub temu, da vidijo, da jim ti ljudje v svoji trdni stoji na racionalnih tleh ne morejo slediti... piromani, ki v družbi svoje ljubezni iščejo primerno mesto za požig, pa jim je v izjemni simpatičnosti oproščeno... zlobna bitja, ki v resnici le skrivajo svoj obraz v temi, da se ne bi videla njihova ranljivost, ter grobo grizejo, misleč, da bodo s silo zakrila dejstvo, da so že davno izgubila tla pod nogami... in majhni otroci, ki se trudijo postati odrasli, pa jim potek časa ne dovoli prehitevati, temveč jim pušča srečo doživetij in mladosti...
Samo mrtvi vidijo vse. Prastare duše, ki se v ukradenih telesih mešajo med ljudi v upanju, da bodo končno spet začutile občutek dotika. Oropani brezbrižnosti in prisiljeni v razumevanje zgodbe, ki se odvija pred njimi, morajo z bremenom resnice, kot bleda luč brleti večno...
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 22. december 2007
Kako najdeš
izhod iz začaranega kroga, v katerega si pahnjen deloma po lastni krivdi, deloma pa s samim bistvom sebe, ki je bilo postavljeno v to življenje kot tako, in ki se suče v konfuznih situacijah katerim se ne moreš izogniti.
Živiš med živimi in mrtvimi duhovi, kateri ne poznajo milosti. Prevzemaš njihovo usodo, ter se boriš za obstanek. V sebi prižigaš gnev, ki ti daje moč in tisti majhen korak prednosti, ki ga potrebuješ. Z vsako zmago, vsako žrtvijo, uničiš tudi del sebe, nadomesti pa ga hlad in mrzel veter spominov.
Star več tisoč let, poln življenj, ki so ugasnila pred davnimi časi, se trudoma nasmihaš, da se obraz ne bi pozabil gubati. Telo stoji ob tebi z rahlo spuščeno brado, vedno v položaju obrambe, medtem, ko ga duša potiska v nevarnost z iskrenostjo, odprtostjo in nepripravljenostjo do klonitve pod pritiskom družbe. Oči, večinoma mrtve, vsake toliko zagorijo v bliskajočem plamenu.
Tvoja želja po nedefinirani strasti, ki bi ti jo nekdo vračal, se ti zdi sebična, saj se zavedaš, da ne moreš pričakovati tolikšnega potrpljenja od osebe, ki jo imaš rad. Ko veš, da tvoja naklonjenost ne odtehta bremena, ki ga nosiš s seboj.
Obsojen na ječo osame, se zvijaš v boleči žalosti vsakič ko se zaveš, da bi najbolj dokazal svojo ljubezen, če bi se nikoli ne pojavil in prečkal poti osebi, h kateri te vleče z vso vročekrvno silo armade bojevnikov, ki bivajo v tebi.
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 20. december 2007
um, ter za njim capljajoče telo, sem posadil za računalnik, medtem ko v ozadju slišim Destiny's Child-Emotions. Ni ne želje ne potrebe po daljšem postu, misli preveč begajo in se prepirajo z nesmiselnimi željami.
Medtem, ko v odsevu ekrana vidim soj luči spalnice, ter mamljive blazine, vem, da je še nekaj časa ne bom mečkal z glavo. Kot ponavadi, bom mučil samega sebe do tiste točke, kjer bo umik v temo neizbežen.
Zlorabljanje klopi ter uteži, morda celo sprehod s psom pod osvetljavo nočne gospe, ki tako vztrajno nabira kilograme, in me kljub tej vedno bolj baročni teži vsakič tako prevzame. Mislim, da je to moja najstarejša ljubezen, ženska, ki ji bom naklonjen in podvržen večno. Samo moja minljivost naju lahko loči, do takrat pa bodo moje oči skozi spremenjeno barvo pošiljale zaljubljene, skoraj predrzne, izzivajoče poglede lepotici na nebu.
In v trenutku, ko je v ozadju utihnila glasba, poslušam. Iščem tuljeneje, ki bi ga slišal zunaj, ter bi mi sporočilo, da se nekje v bližini klati še kakšen volk, ki v snegu na odprti čistini drži mojo sled...
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 19. december 2007
Topla sapa,
ki mi je grela vrat, je v umirjenih, kratkih izdihih prihajala skozi njene ustnice, kot bi morje pošiljalo svoje vojake skozi čeri na obali. Tudi po tem, ko je že zaspala, se je še vedno krčevito oprijemala mojega telesa, in skrivala svoj obraz pod mojo brado.
Misli so se spotikale ena čez drugo, ko sem se lovil med veseljem in paničnim strahom. Srečen in hkrati žalosten, nezmožen pobega iz lastne kletke zlih slutenj, ter pričakovanja najslabšega.
Medtem, ko sem z roko raziskoval njene poteze, mrzlično shranjujoč vse v sobe spomina, v katerih se sprehajam danes, mi je bilo vseeno ali se ob tem prebudi. Še vedno sem slišal, kako je šepetala moje ime, in želja po ponovnem koncertu glasov in gibov ni nikoli ugasnila.
Prepletanje udov, igra prstov, ki berejo navodila telesa, ki se voljno zvija pod mano. Zadrževanje samega sebe, da ne bi v želji po absolutnosti, prestopil prag užitka in začel povzročati bolečino, samo da bi izrazil vse kar kričijo podivjani občutki.
Ta želja še danes živi. Nobenih upov, brez pričakovanj. Le zavedanje, da je to edino, kar me dela živega, stran od norosti jeze, realnosti vsakdana in perverznega poigravanja moje usode.
Morda moraš res živeti izven okovja varnosti, in predobro spoznati čistost bolečine, lastne in tiste drugih, da sploh veš, kje je vrednost strasti, četudi bo ta za sabo pustila še večjo praznino.
Rad sovražim, to znam in obvladam. Bes lahko sprožim na ukaz, in telo ubogajoče sledi napotkom nasilnega uma, ki išče maščevanje med množicami tujcev, nesrečen, ker so dejanski cilji tako daleč. In takrat, je v ozadju vedno misel. Misel, da poznam tudi nekaj drugega, kar hrani ogenj v tem peklu, a za sabo ne pušča pepela in opustošenja. Kar vodi mojo roko po obrazu, brez namena, da ga uniči ali iznakazi.
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 18. december 2007
Še vedno besen,
sem si pravkar odvil trak z dlani, in medtem ko pišem, mi utripajo otečeni členki, deske na steni pa še vedno vibrirajo v tempu mojih udarcev...
In medtem, ko se sproščajo hrbtne mišice, se zdi, kot bi mi mrz polzel po vratu, ter me spominjal...žali prenesem, da me kdo žali... dolžan si, uredi, ne sili me v reakcijo.
Malo pomirjen ob misli na ponudbo, ki bi mi lahko spremenila življenje. Kolo se je končno začelo vrteti, v temo je začela pronicati svetloba, ki pa se bojim, da bo pokazala tudi praske in brazgotine...
Poln vprašajev, nastalih v situaciji, v kateri se ne znajdem najbolje, predalčkam opcije in si pripravljam obrambo še preden se bo napad začel.
Pogovor...več je razveselil, čeprav sem vedno znova presenečen nad absurdnostjo dejstva, da me lahko spravi v srečo nekaj, čemur večina ne daje posebne pozornosti, medtem ko sem ravnodušen nad stvarmi, za katere se pričakuje, da šokirajo.
Odločen, da se vsaj danes, ne bom več spraševal temveč le užival v trenutku, ki bo verjetno kmalu le še lep spomin.
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 17. december 2007
Ljudje nimajo obrazov,
imajo le zbirko mask, ki jih menjajo po potrebi, odvisno od strahu, ki ga ravno v tistem trenutku ne morejo obvladati. Polno omaro kostumov, ki jih oblačijo na predstave, v katerih igrajo glavne ali stranske vloge. Prepričani v svojo edinstvenost, ter pravico do življenja, se skrivajo za zastorjem usode in iščejo temen kot, v katerem bodo varni.
Resnico vidiš v očeh, tam kjer se zrcalijo inserti iz preteklosti... in tam iščeš njihove slabosti. Okostnjake, zakopane v grobovih omar, ki ponujajo orožje za poslednji zamah eksekucije. Kajti enkrat izkopani, zahtevajo maščevanje, brez pristanka na ponovno vrnitev v temne kotičke zavesti.
Malo jih je, ki so pripravljeni nositi posledice svojih ravnanj. Malo tistih, ki prenesejo breme iskrenosti, ter lastne podobe v ogledalu resnice.
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 13. december 2007
Ko sem pred kratkim
spoznal tega človeka, je bil vtis, ki ga je napravil name tako močan, da sem potreboval nekaj dni, da sem si opomogel.
....... je Žid, ki je kot političen begunec pred leti pobegnil iz Čila, nekako našel v Jugoslavijo, se zaljubil v Slovenko in ostal.
Ko sem prvič uzrl drobnega možakarja, srednje visoke rasti, ki mi je ponudil sloko, urejeno roko, sem opazil pogled, ki je s prav takšno radovednostjo zrl vame, kot jaz vanj. Kljub zadržanosti, katero sem se trudil pokazati, da ne bi prestrašil človeka, sva zelo hitro podrla mejo in se zapletla v pogovor.
Vsaka njegova beseda, vsaka izjava, je bila podana skupaj z nasmehom, ki je hkrati delil srčno veselje, a ni mogel skriti globoko zakoreninjene žalosti, ki je verjetno nikoli ne bo mogel odložiti.
Njegova karizma, ki je bila nekaj najbolj dobrega, prijaznega, kar sem kdajkoli videl ali se dotaknil, je bila zame tako boleča, da sem skoraj klecnil.
Skozi misli so mi šle slike, ob katerih sem se zgrozil v občutku gnusa do samega sebe. In zazdelo se mi je, da jih vidi, pa mi vseeno podarja še en nasmeh, poln sočutja in topline.
Iz človeka je sijala nedolžnost, za katero sem mislil, da je samo mit. Njegove oči so skrivale dolgo, žalostno zgodbo, in se tako barvale v mavrici solz, ki so že davno nehale teči. Kot, da bi bolečina bila tako velika, da je uničila vse, in je tako v večni praznini vzklilo nekaj čistega, nepokvarjenega, skoraj svetega.
Človek, ki zna sovražiti, a tega ne počne, ker ne more. Ker ni del njega. Ker je njegovo srce v drobnem telesu tako veliko, da se želja po mržnji ter maščevanju izgubi v labirintu čustev.
Music: Mr. Bojangles
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 12. december 2007
Ne sprašujte
me, zakaj se najbolj naravno, domače in v svojem svetu, počutim ravno takrat, ko pred mano stoji ali sedi človek, kateremu oči sijejo v ognju agresije, spominu boja ter bolečine. Človek, poln majnih in velikih brazgotin, ki obraz rišejo v tisočerih potezah, tudi kadar so misli odsotne in se čustva ne izdajajo v obrazni mimiki.
Ljudje, katerih življenja so bila v žarometu norosti in, ki ne poznajo rutine ali ustaljenih poti. Individumi, ki hodijo svojo pot, neodvisno od ograj postavljenih zaradi strahu družbe, ter norm, ki branijo tiste, ki si sami ne morejo priboriti mesta v vrsti.
Globoko v srcu, so to posamezniki, ki čutijo na neprimerljivo bolj visoki ravni, kot ljudje, ki se v svoji otopelosti in pomanjkanju življenske sle, skrivajo za stenami moralnega in zapisano pravilnega.
V njihovih očeh vidim naklonjenost, ki mi pomeni še toliko več, ker vem, da je ne dajejo vsakemu. Ker njihova naklonjenost temelji na resnici, nezlaganih dejstvih in zavedanju, da so si enaki... Da smo si enaki. Vsaj po srcu.
Na spoštovanju, ki je bilo prigarano skozi boleče ohranjanje svojega jaza v situacijah, kjer laži ne morejo zakriti resnice.
Najboljše ljudi sem našel v najbolj globokih in umazanih jarkih, ko so ostali mislili, da tam ležijo zato, ker tja spadajo. Jaz pa sem videl, da so tam, ker ne spadajo nikamor drugam, ter se skrivajo v varnosti teme. Skrivajo pred ogabnostjo človeka, ujeti v svoji resnični podobi živali.
Volkodlaki, ki se samo na trenutke spreminjajo v ljudi, ter nesrečni čakajo na vrnitev v kožuh zveri.
Morda zato, ker ne maram sprenevedanja. Ne maram laži in manipuliranja ljudi, ki ljubijo ali pripadajo samo zaradi lastne koristoljubnosti. Ljudi, ki v izogib samoti pristajajo na kompromise, ki so meni nepredstavljivi, ter se pridružujejo krdelu samo za to, ker sami ne bi preživeli.
Sam hodim mimo varnega objema krdela, a se kljub zavedanju, da ne bom preživel, ter samoti, ki mi včasih lomi prsi, raje soočam z realnostjo in bolim, kot da bi klonil in predal svoj prestol neodvisnosti in ponosa.
Zanimiva se mi je vedno zdela misel, da v vsej svoji moralnosti in družbeni prilagodljivosti, možje doma čustveno in fizično zlorabljajo svoje žene in otroke, jaz pa kljub očitni asocialnosti, v skoraj desetletju edine resnično intimne zveze z žensko, nisem niti enkrat pomislil, da bi dvignil glas, kaj šele položil roko na bitje, ki sem ga imel rad.
V areni življenja, bom vedno goreče pobijal nasprotnike, ki bodo vihteli nad mano meč socializacije, ter se srčno ljubil z žensko, ki mi bo povijala rane. Ne glede na posledice, ki se, in se bodo kazale na moji življenjski poti, ter kljub oporekanju materialističnega in matematično logičnega razuma, bo vedno tako.
In do bridkega konca, do trenutka, ko bom prvič našel mir, bom tulil. Tulil, da me slišijo ostali, ter dlake naših kožuhov valovijo v valovih zvoka. Tulil, da bodo vedeli, da je prihodnje življenje naše.
Music: Metallica - Unforgiven
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 10. december 2007
barva je bila vedno tista, ki mi je dajala občutek čistosti, morda celo iskrenosti. Tudi perilo bele barve, moje ali ženske, ki jo v tistem trenutku slačim, mi da tisti zadnji dokaz varnosti, ki jo potrebujem... sploh kadar ne vem niti imena nežnega bitja, ki se zvija v mojih rokah.
Kakor se morda zdi nemogoče, lahko najdeš ljubezen tudi v toploti človeka, ki ga sploh ne poznaš. Ženske, ki jo vidiš prvič, in se bo zjutraj ali še prej spremenila v spomin. V tistem trenutku, je lahko vse. Žena, ljubica, prijatelj, meso.... Nikoli nisem imel težav s tem, da je kasneje ne bo več. Z vsakim dotikom, pri katerem čutim, da moje telo pokriva njenega, sem njen. Dokler ne odidem, in se moje telo sprošča po krču.
Dejstvo, da bo zjutraj jedla zajtrk s svojim partnerjem, in mu pošiljala ljubeče poglede, ter nedolžne, kratke dotike, ki bodo nezavedno opravičevali njene krike, povzročene s sunki tujca, me ne prizadane. Predanost v njenem izrazu, ter podrhtavanje telesa, ko so šle njene roke čez moje prsi in trebuh, so v delčku življenja pripadali meni. Sapa, ki se je lomila med zvoki bolečine in užitka, je božala moje lice. Moj vonj je še vedno tisti, ki draži njene nosnice med jutranjo kavo. In občutek dotika je še vedno tam. Tako kot je tudi pri meni. Tega mi nihče ne more vzeti. In s tem sem se pripravljen zadovoljit.
Morda se zdi, da je to le spolnost brez čustev, brez toplote in zaupanja, ampak v resnici ne more biti. Zaupanje, ki ga podariš tujcu, ki rovari skozi tvoje telo, in ki se zgrinja nad tebe v vsej svoji poslikani velikosti, je večje kot v trenutku intime s svojim partnerjem. Tam je to igra ljubezni. Zaupanje je bilo potrebno prej. Ko ga še nisi poznal.
Vem kako je, ljubiti tudi s srcem. Kako je obležati ob telesu, ki se ti tudi po izlivu ne upre. Brez potrebe po tem, da bi vstal in se poslovil. Ko te ne motijo dotiki, ki niso več nujno potrebni. Ko se ti ne jebe po tem ko ti je prišlo. Doživel sem to. Morda bom še kdaj. Do takrat pa bom taval po hišah ljudi, ki me pozdravljajo na ulici, medtem ko hodijo mimo mene, držeč se za roke s svojimi ženami.
In jaz jih bom diskretno pozdravljal nazaj, v mislih pa bom imel belo barvo, ter preblisk zagorele kože, kar pa bodo v mojih očeh opazile le one.
Music: Wet Wet Wet - Goodnight Girl
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 8. december 2007
Občutek krivde,
ki me preveva, kadar se zgodi situacija, kot je bila današnja, je tako močan in boleč, da se mi zdi, kot da mi bo prsni koš potegnilo vase, ter bo v črni luknji za njim posrkalo še vesolje...
"Grem domov", sem mu rekel, "jutri moram zgodaj v Maribor, in ne bi rad spet spal samo eno uro."
Lokal je bil pol prazen, sami mladiči, ki so se fotografirali in se poljubljali kot na Gang Bangu... Nisem videl razloga za skrb...
Poleg tega je bil zakajen, in ves nasmejan...
"Greš z mano, ali boš ostal tu?" Odgovor sem poznal, vedno greva zadnja...
Ko sem odšel, sem ju še pogledal, " Kosilo jutri?"...
"Ja, ob 15.00. Kitajska... ali če gremo v Afriško... Čez prekop bo najbližja!" je rekel P.
Nasmejan sem se spravil v avto...
Ko sem danes slišal njegove besede po telefonu, mi je začela trzat glava na ramenih, kot bi mi podivjali živci... "roko imam zgleda zlomljeno... začeli so... najprej je P.... potem sem pa jaz, ko je prvi zamahnil..."
Komaj sem skrival podrhtavanje telesa, ko sem stopil nazaj v prostor... se opravičil, in se pobral proti domu....
"Zakaj sem ga pustil samega, nikoli ga ne pustim, pa ravno včeraj... Mater da mu jebem, nikoli noče domov... Pobijem jih ko jih najdem... Ne pustim, da se ju kdo dotika... ", tisoč misli, medtem, ko sem klicaril... "pa P..... a je P. ok?... Zakaj ima gsm, če se ne javi, mater mu..."
Zmeden v dilemi ali sem bolj jezen nanj, ali na tiste tri... Malo pomirjen, ko se mi je smejal v telefon, ves nabit z adrenalinom in občutkom moči...
Vedno je bil ta občutek, da sem tu za njih. Za ljudi, ki so tisto lepo... Moja pripravljenost dati vse, sebe, je bilo edino, kar sem lahko pokazal... dal...
Kje je meja, med prijateljstvom in družino. Med skrbjo in predanostjo. Med občutkom, da imaš rad, ter občutkom, da bi imel rad tudi če te bi zavrgli...
Nekdo mi je rekel, da čutim zato, ker je izjema v mojem življenju... ker je lahko kraljevati na prestolu, če nimaš konkurence...
pa bi, če bi znal, povedal, da kljub temu, da verjamem v to, da ne moreš imeti rad nekoga, ki nima rad tebe, vseeno kljubujem logiki... ljubim, zaradi tistega človeka.... in ne zaradi sebe...
Torej... le lahko čutiš božanje, tudi če so te vedno le klofutali... vidiš, za vse je izjema...
Pravzaprav... morda pa res veš, da ljubiš, iskreno in nesebično, takrat, ko ljubezni ne prejemaš... ko iz izkušenj poznaš le bolečino... pa v tebi vseeno gori...
Music: Led Zeppelin - wholle lotta love
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 5. december 2007
sem vrata, ko nisem slišal več krikov, le še tope zvoke mesa, ki udarja ob meso... to je bil trenutek, ko sem se zavedel, da nikoli ne bom znal biti tak, kot sem si želel. Da iz hodnika med dvema osebnostima, ni vrat v samo eno stran... kjer bi lahko bil le... eno.
S koleni jo je držal na mestu, jo pritiskal v steno, medtem ko jo je nabijal, kot, da bi bila predmet... v slast pa mu ni bila penetracija, temveč udrihanje... z obema rokama, jo je izmenično, v umirjenem taktu, počasi spreminjal v drugega človeka. Že nekaj minut ni bila več pri zavesti, čeprav tudi če bi bila, ne bi več mogla odpreti otečenih oči...
Po dveh korakih sem mu z nogo zabil glavo v steno pred njim s tolikšnjo silo, da se je nemudoma zgrudil na njo... kot bi ravno ejakuliral, in bi se kot debel prasec sedaj stisnil k njej... in iskal miren počitek v objemu plačane ljubezni...
Medtem ko sem ga vlekel z nje, sem med nekontroliranim besom pazil, da se ne bi dotaknil njegovega mednožja, ki je kot trofeja opletalo... premikal sem ga, ne z vleko, temveč z udarci... v obupni želji po tem, da ga dokončam... v slasti besa.
Tudi če bi razumel Ukrajinsko, ne bi razumel njegovega momljanja, ki je hreščalo iz njegovega grla, pomešano z izlivi mešanice krvi in zob... brez obraza, in s prebitim pljučnim krilom, sem ga pustil gnit na cesti... vedel sem, da ne bo dolgo, ko bom na isti cesti ležal tudi jaz, le, da ne bom več dihal....
Medtem ko sem panično pobiral svoje stvari, sem bil skoraj razočaran... nisem dovolj prasec... izmenjavali sta se misli... zakaj ga nisi ubil... ter, zakaj ti ni vseeno, saj je samo kurba...
Še vedno nisem našel vrat, in tako se še vedno sprehajava oba. Po hodniku, kjer se po stenah vrstijo inserti, ki spominjajo na dejstvo, da nikoli ne bom pripadal. Kjer resnica bode v oči in mi govori zgodbo o človeku, ki ne zna ne hoditi, ne plaziti se po tleh.
Tolažim se z dejstvom, da hodniku še ni videti konca, ter bodrim z mislijo, da bo morda nekdo podrl zid, in me povabil k sebi. Mi povedal, da bi moral od nekdaj biti tam.
Music: Natasha Bedingfield - we're all mad
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 4. december 2007
Še ena
noč, v kateri sem spal nekaj minut... se vlačil po sobi, s čikom v roki, vodil samopogovore ter zlorabljal klop za uteži, vse dokler ni bolelo celotno telo...
občasni trenutki spanca, dremeža bi bilo pravilneje, so mi sicer prinesli dovolj počitka, da bo truplo stalo in funkcioniralo čez dan... čakaj, kako sem prebral zvečer, " Vampirji se začnemo zabavat okrog polnoči"... volkodlaki pa bedimo v besu... sovražim občutek nemoči
in potem, pleše pojava, nič kaj estetska v svoji velikosti, testosteronski poraščenosti posameznih, dolgih, črnih dlak, gola skozi prostore svojega brloga, trudeč se tudi z glasom slediti pesmi...
Ampak spet se vse šele začenja... ko se tema umika dnevu in svetloba sili v krvave oči
Music: Johnny Cash - Personal Jesus 50e27dab3c7bbc352c8373502e2768e0
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 2. december 2007
se je smejala, ko sem rekel, da je to spet pokvarjena šala usode, s katero me moja karma pretepa kot poceni kurbo... kar sem ji hotel reči je bilo še vse drugo...
Poln Martinija, a bolj pijan od dogodkov zadnjih dveh dni, sem se po dolgem času ob glasu človeka, ki mi je pripovedoval, tako sprostil, da sem zaspal... brez sanj, brez slabe vesti... ko sem se zbudil štiri ure pozneje, je bilo, kot da sem še vedno v prejšnjem trenutku...kaj se je zgodilo mi je povedal šele stavek na messengerju
Kje naj začnem... morda na sredini, nekje na sestanku z ljudmi, ki predstavljajo mojo karto za naslednjo postajo življenja... kjer pa se je moja pozornost ves čas valila nekam drugam... med vinograde... in sem na vprašanja ljudi pred sabo odgovarjal z nasmehom
Ali pa nekje malo pozneje, ko sem pred očmi cele množice poravnal račun s človekom, ki naj bi bil moj prijatelj... kjer se je v meni lomilo vse v kar verjamem... in kjer sem si z vsakim zamahom želel, da bi bile vloge zamenjane... in bi bila moja bolečina tista, ki bi bila telesna...
Še malo pozneje... ko sem lebdel v zraku, vpet v padalo... in med pogledom na dolino pod sabo, ter zadnjimi sončnimi žarki razmišljal le o eni stvari... in se obračal proti vetru, upajoč, da me bo odneslo še malo višje... tako visoko, da bom videl čez hribovje pred sabo, v smeri kamor me vlečejo misli
Ali pa morda le tam, predvčerajšnjem, ko so se moje majhne Benetke zatresle na količkih, in me je takoj doseglo spoznanje, da bo to poplava, ki je mesto ne bo zdržalo...
V trenutku, ko sem se obrnil v levo, in slišal tisti stavek v glavi, ki sem ga enkrat že slišal... in mi je bilo skoraj žal, da nisem sposoben zbežat... še preden bo vse postalo res... še preden se je občutek združil z vonjem, ki je vdiral v moje nosnice, medtem, ko se je moj obraz dotikal njenega
Skoraj neverjeten občutek je, ko obupano iščeš laž...kakršnokoli laž, ki bi jo očrnila...
Laži nisem našel... resnici se je pridružila le še ena resnica... te sem se zavedel takoj, ko sem se odpeljal... bežeč, ko je bilo že prepozno
Pred leti, sem na boleč način spoznal, zakaj kaznjenci nikoli ne gledajo skozi okna celic... ko sem namreč pogledal ven, v svet kjer ni masivnih belih vrat s težkim okovjem, ter smradu po bedi in strahu, me je preplavil občutek bolečine... tja ne sežem... in veselje se je spremenilo v žalost
Zdaj, ko kadim cigaret, zleknjen na tleh, z glavo naslonjeno na kazenski zakonik Slovenije, razpet med osladnostjo svojih misli in bolečino, ki spremlja mlečno kislino v mojih nogah... se spomnim, kako mi je nekoč rekla, da je v Angleščini lažje pisat... ne vem, meni je pravzaprav vseeno... pišem le tisto, kar se je zgodilo
Music: Metallica - Until it sleeps
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 1. december 2007
here's my last decision... the blog remains open.
I have a few words to say...and rules to set.
I decided to do so, because despite the fact, that the blogosfhere is not the best thing for my future... and the fact, that there are more than enough idiots reading this.... I will not start backing off... my life and what I do, is who I am... and I will not hide from people, that dont even deserve my attention... screw you
But I will never talk about my family again... and I will erase all older posts, that I find not suitable...
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 29. november 2007
Bye for now
Ok, this will be my last post...for now...since I still have not decided, if I will delete the blog, or make it private...invites and all that shit...
So, whatever I shall do, this will be the last, that everyone is able to read... the shop closes on sunday
You know, I'm real confused lately... even more than usually... I seemed to have developed a human touch... and that sucks
I hate having feelings...other than hate...I can handle hate...the rest, aaaaaaa, the rest is a question to me
let me try to explain
there are certain rules, one should go by, in order to avoid's some of them
never listen to the person, you intend to beat up, shoot, or hurt in any way...this way, he remains a stranger...and you dont give a fuck
never go on a drink with a woman, you intend to screw only once...she might get the wrong idea
never talk to a woman, that you feel you could fall in love with...that is even more true, if she is in a relationship...and even more, if you doubt the chance of her falling in love with you
never do buisness with friends...there is a chance your friend might turn in to your enemy
never cheat on your woman with her matter how they beg...sooner or later they will turn on you
never ask for will owe them one
I could go on and on...but, it's useless, since the fact that I know them, doesnt prevent me from not keeping them...and so Im can guess for yourselfs, which one of them I didnt go by
bye for now
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 25. november 2007
Let me...
try to tell you, what has been on my mind for a while now...
This will be one of my last posts. I'll be closing my blog soon.
It's not easy to explain... I started this blog, as a personal therapy... and as you could see for yourself, I am in need of one... many think I should be institutionalized anyway...
I never figured, someone would actualy read what I have to say... since even I cant belive how fucked up my mind is sometimes...
but, it has come to the point, where quite a lot of people visit this little mental institution...
and I feel... so does my sister, that has found my blog... I did not want to tell her about it...
that I have exposed myself too much
I know a lot of people wont understand this, but I dont have a normal life as it is... and if I should want to make things... my life, a bit easyer... than exposure, is not the way to do it
now, I cant write about things, I have never felt... or did in my life.. I dont even want to... I see too many bloggers, especially Slovenian, that write about bullshit... just to write something... just to get clicks... to sell the blog... believing they are somekind of internet stars
but, to write about my personal life... has become just too risky...
so, the blog closes
Perhaps... just perhaps... a new one will open... without pictures... names... perhaps
I have met a lot of great people here... even... well, even started to feel for someone... but... I was never good at keeping my hopes up... and I learned a long time ago, that its better to back off... before you are put aside
This is not a goodbye... but not much else eather...
Music: J. Hendrix - Castles made of sand
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 23. november 2007
As he walked down stairs, he had this feeling... a premonition... of what was to follow...
He has been in too many of these situations, not to know that it will explode... it always does... but somehow, he couldnt help himself...
There were three men inside, one standing at the bar, and two behind a high table, drinking whiskey.... it's amazing how details are obvious in situations like these... without seeing them, you are bound to loose.
As he came down, the men looked at him... they knew who he is... they knew what he came for.
It's a special feeling you get, when you see someone, that you know has come for you... you know there is little chance of solving things before they escalate...
The man at the bar stepped back, backing up in to the corner, while the other two stayed still... waiting...
He said nothing at first, still checking out the situation... no matter who you are, two or three at once are a hand full.
There was no backing out now... they would take it as fear... and that would have severe consequences.
He stepped towards the two men... all he said was:" What's up!"
This was the last chance of a calm solution... but one of them looked at him, hands on the table, prepared to jump... "What do you want!?"
The tone was wrong... no way out... the game was on.
From now on, he stopped thinking... everything must be instictive... it's him... or them.
He streched out his left hand, grabbing the man that spoke behind his head, and pulled towards himself... he slammed his head in the table... he could feel bones braking... a feeling of solid turning in to liquid...
In the next moment, the other one jumped towards him, striking with his fist...
he moved a bit to the left, avoiding the punch, and at the same time hitting the first one with his left hand again, just as he lifted his head of the table... he could see blood for a second...
than he moved forward, grabbing the second one just as he lost his balance missing with the punch... and he throu him over the table... seeing him bounce of the wall...
Than he stood ground. Waiting... almost proud of himself for keeping himself under control... not finishing them off...
they looked at eachother... still silent... it was over...
althou he knew... this will go further, as they started pulling out theire cell phones...
he laughed... seeing the first one trying to hold the phone... with a broken hand... blood runing over the numbers...
he left... tomorrow is another day
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 22. november 2007
La Tristesse Durera Toujours
You can try as hard as you like, plan every day to the detail, wish for things to go your way,'s all in the moments
we wake up, or perhaps even start a new day, without realy ending yesterday, not knowing...
the world is changing...the old becoming obsolete...
what use to be longer is...what you were sure now a lie
even when you look at find a stranger...that's lost in the city of your mind
cruising throu impressions of the days behind you....realizing you're confused....not realy certain about anything anymore
when did all this happen...
That's why...I dont hope...about would just condemn it...and make me...hurt
Music: Alanis - Mercy
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 16. november 2007
My nose ....
is bleeding. It has been, for 2 days now. Could it be the nerves? Or is it the .....? Who'll stop eventualy.
I'm back. Oh yeah, I haven't told you, I was in Bosnia...the Serbian part of hour away from Beograd(belgrade). This was my first time in the Serbian part....I was not too welcome there before...but the situation has settled down a bit.
It has been 5 years since my last visite to Bosnia....full of memorys...feelings...althou I have not seen my friends...or places...from the past
Kažu, ništa se ne mjenja u Bosni...samo se groblja večaju....istina
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 12. november 2007
I see snow on the mountain near by...white...taking me back...and I remember...
A couple years ago, it was spirit...
the house we lived in was on a hill...both, the house and hill were mine, I got them from my father...
it was a white winter... snow covered the landscape
and behind the house, there was a great open space, about 100 000 m2 of my land, in that moment still seemed as if the snow would run like water...
I left the bed, while she was still dressed, and walked out...
I walked up and down in the snow...for hours...drawing a big picture with my footprints
when I was finished... all wet and cold... there was...
from miles away, you could see...and so could the sky....
a great
A + L
she cried...and I was happy
where did the snow go
music: starry starry night
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 11. november 2007
picture perfect
As I have to get myself out of this bottomless pit I'm in, I'll try to draw something with my words....something beautiful....way to beautiful for my words to describe right
I was looking at her all night yesterday...she was with D. ...a friend of his
I saw her a couple times before...I know only the basics about her...
I know where she's from...what her name is...who her boyfriend is...the basics
She is the one of the most beautiful woman, I have ever seen in my life...
Long, dark brown hair... big, bright that looks like it's silk...a face, sculptured, drawn to appear perfect...
her mouth...when I first saw her, I wished to god, that when she will open the most beautiful lips I have ever seen, that atleast her teeth will be, well, not perfect...but than I saw a straight line of white....Jesus.
about 175 cm tall, with high heels she goes allmost over 180...hahahaha, fuck, long long legs, and...well, her ass....
slim hands...breasts...
as I stood near them, watching what is going on in the bar, at some point D. left, and she turned to me...we spoke...and when I was talking in her ear...our faces allmost touching...she smelled like...perfect
D. returned, and I stepped back....I could feel her look on me from time to time, while they were talking...and it was warm...kind...allthou I could see in her eyes, she doesnt trust me...and everytime our eyes met, she would instantly look away...
A girl, I won't allow myself to see again... her beauty is allmost painfull...but she is...picture perfect
people that just cant help themselfs
Short message
After a long night...standing outside a bar in the cold...and after another disappointment from the people I care about...
ending the night inside, just a couple of us....somehow connected... but none the less, I felt so fucking alone....lonely
we talked about the past...and about the future
P. said to me, to wait...that things will get better...that I'm getting there
but I know....I have to leave...go...find that something....
if I remove the failiers, there is nothing left
and than...while I was driving home...a short message
nice you would know
Fish has something to say: "I am a nothing. A bad boy, that will never become someone. I have spent my life running. Out of a battle, in to the next one. I belive in nothing and no one. I have no god. I have no home. I live as a shadow. I'm the dark corner in the street...the face with no eyes.
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 10. november 2007
It's my car officer
Try to imagine this situation...I swear it's true...happened yesterday....
Friday evening, about 9 PM. The town centre, people walking on the sidewalks, all the bars and the bar terraces full....
D., U., X. and I, decide to step away from a bar terrace, so we can smoke a joint...
As we smoke, in one moment, the picture looks like this:
U. is just smoking the joint, D. is standing beside him, waiting for his turn, X. is peeing on a street light, and I'm jumping on the roof of a that same moment, the cops drive by....a police car and 4 idiots inside....
The people that were walking by, stand still, to see what will happen, while the cops stare at me, as I am still jumping on the roof of a car.
It's a tense moment, but they dont leave the vehicle...I stop, jump on the hood and than on the ground...
Just as U. takes a big smoke, I say:" It's my car officer, move along now."
"Is it?", the cop driving asks.
"It's my car, move along!"
You could see the people around waiting....will this escalate?!....we're waiting too....long seconds...
The cops drive away...leaving us with our joint and laughing out loud...suckers
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 9. november 2007
Some things will never change
As I walked up, to where we all drink our morning coffee, F. looked at me and said: "Uuuuuuiii, motherfucker! Are you collecting money again?!"
I'm collecting more...I want my life back!
Music - Changes
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 8. november 2007
Back on the track, Jack
Just decided...after almost 6 month...I'm shaving my head clean again...Fish will look like himself again...and act like it
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 7. november 2007
How do you tell.....
Im realy fucked up...and I need a little I'll ask a question, I know answers will make me smile
Ladys, here we go( not that men cant comment):
When you look at him, can you guess how BIG(you know what I mean) he is? How do you tell? By what? And how often are you right?
I'll enjoy this...
people that just cant help themselfs
7. 11. .......
For 8 years, this was a day, that was very important to me....I realy made an effort each time... as much as I know how to.... it still feels strange, not being a part of it anymore
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 6. november 2007
I thought things would get clearer. I thougt, I would find the way. With time. But no.
I allways knew, I would never lead a normal life. I cant. I am just too .....crazy. A wolf among people. Not able to live inside a normal society.
Even the ones that love me, as much as they can, look at me with that look in their eyes. A look, that says, they dont know, if they can trust me. Knowing, I can't be controled. Fearing the moment, when I would run wild.
I'm sorry. I simply cant change. I cant change my essence. It is who I am.
There was only one thing in my life, that was able to hold me down. Now, there is nothing. Nothing but myself, trying to be compatible. For those, that I love.
But I'm getting lost in this status Quo, becoming sad and depressed, as I dont know anymore, what I'm doing here. And there is a fire burning inside. A fire, that must not get out.
Music: Pantera-Shedding skin
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 3. november 2007
petek, 2. november 2007
I just heard, there is a man looking for me. He's called Specialac(specialist). Suposed to have spent 8 years in the special forces. Atleast he claims to.
I dont think the fuck knows what he just caused himself. Im easy to find, if I want to be.
How was it, " be carefull what you wish for, you just might get it all"!
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 29. oktober 2007
No time to stop
Ever seen Trainspoting?.....that's what my life is like these four days, I've been home to shower.....take the dog out....and somethimes even grab something to eat...
I live and breath the streets...I fell asleep on a bar terrace two days ago(my friends watched over me)....
I guess, it was allways ment to be this do, what you are good at....and I am good at surviving...would I be Spartakus, if I were born more than 2000 years ago....would I rule the Arena...
I leave for Hungary, Budapest in four hours.....I have to be back in 24
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 26. oktober 2007
Something.....I wouldnt say....Im drunk as hell.....I hate my life.....
people that just cant help themselfs
Dance....let me...
Dance with me, in your dreams....while you sleep....and I walk the night....looking for you
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 25. oktober 2007
Police raid
This morning:
5 AM
Phone rings. Its D. " The cops. What do I do?"
Fish:"Stay quiet. Wait. I'll come get you."
7.30 AM
The cops left. They needed a warrant to brake in.
I wait till they leave, than pick up D.
7.45 AM
We call the police station, and tell them we're coming.
9.00 AM
We enter the police station.(we stoped for coffee on the way there hahahahaha)
2 cops come runing. I calm them down. "No need for panic. If we wanted trouble, you'd have it by now!"
They show us a warrant. Search of personal facilities. Possesion of weapons and illegal drugs.
Just as we are leaving the station, to be taken to D.'s place, the door opens, and "the godfather" enters. He has his wife with him.
D. says"hahahaha, have you come for a coup of coffee too?!"......................... Crazy fucker
All went well. I'm home, and D. is having a beer.
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 24. oktober 2007
The moment
Today. I walk throu a shoping mall, passing a bar. A waitress is taking empty glasses of a table. She is young, 21, 22 years old. Blond, beautifull.
I instantly decide, step up and hug her. She stands stiff at first, but I can feel her body becoming more and more relaxed. And than I feel her hands around me, she lets her self go.
We stand there, the moment lasting forever. She hides her face under my chin, and I know she is about to cry. I can hear her smelling me, taking my scent in her.
I kiss her on her cheek, and let go of her. I feel her body shivering.
I turn around and start walking away.
I never said a word. All I could hear was, her saying:" Wait....what is your name?...."
I never looked back.....I wanted to say:" You dont want to know!"
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 23. oktober 2007
D. kills me
The Fantom bar. This morning. The terrace. D., P., F. and I, are sitting at a table. Drinking coffee. Talking like every morning.
D. is saying: " So I take the bitch to my place. We dont talk much, I mean, it's not like she came for coffee. We wouldnt go to my place, if we didnt both know what follows.
We undress. She first. A great body, nice face. Than me. As I take off my boxers, she looks at me, and says,"Jesus, is that all yours?!"."
D., I told you before. This isn't Amsterdam anymore. Stop screwing women, that cant speak your language. What she meant to say was:" Jesus, is that all?!"
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 22. oktober 2007
Dancing Capoeira in the rain today. Rain drops hunting my body, as I was trying to fly . I could feel my muscles turning numb, the cold was making me slow. But I had to try. I had to hear the sound of air, as my legs were drawing circles and I was becomeing weightless.
Have you ever danced infront of mother nature, its tears falling on your half naked body, as she crys with you? That must be what home feels like ...................................
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 21. oktober 2007
Find yourself
Here is a photo of me, I found on a blog today. It was probably taken by a cell phone. I never even noticed.
Music: (still) Jeremy
people that just cant help themselfs
Birds of a feather stick together
As I was standing in a bar last night, holding a drink and smoking my ......, I was watching the group of people around me. My friends. We were talking quietly, to avoid other people hearing our conversation. A habit one develops if he lives like we do. We get loud only if we are joking.
And as I was listening, used to everyone staring at me, my eyes touched theirs, staying on each one just so long as thay could stand it. And I saw what I allways see. We belong together. Because we are similar. Because we have a past, we can not deny. Because no one else would stand us.
I have a problem with authority. I am too dominant, to be able to stand the feeling of subordination. I live as I please.
My friends are the same.
We all work for ourselves, whatever each of us does for a living. We could never work for somebody else. We take risks, most people would never take, to be able to live like this. And it can get hard. But it's the only way. Our way, or no way.
It came to me, how the hell did we find eachother in the first place? Was it faith? Or did we just recognize eachother by instinct.
D. allways says, "The day will come, when I'll write a book. A book about the unbelievable shit, that I saw in my life. And it will sell bitch! A bestseller for sure!"
D., do use initials. And you do understand, we want in on the profit!
Music : Pearl Jam-Jeremy
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 19. oktober 2007
Payback time
Im pissed. If you owe me money, and you're late, better hide. I hate it, when people take me this far. The vain on my forehead, shaped as Y, is pumping crazy. Not good.
Jesus Slaves said it well today: "I'll end the problem, facing nothin, fuck you off, fuck you all!"
Music - It's not over
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 17. oktober 2007
Are you sure
Did you ever look in somebodys eyes, and see from time to time, that there is a black hole inside? Did you ever wake up, because the person beside you is crying in his sleep? How much can you handle? How much are you willing to handle for someone you love?
Good allways has a bad side. A shadow. People want everything, but they are usually not ready to give something back.
Interesting, in the real world, nobody will step up, and say they like me. In the real world, I open the door to my house everyday, and there is nothing but silence inside. In the real world, everybody turns their head, when I walk by, but no one will touch me.
Im 28. In my life, I have gone from homeless, to quite rich. From a boy to a man by myself. But something tells me, I will walk my path alone.
I often wake up at night, afraid that I am still in the past. But there is no one there. No one to touch, just to make sure I am awake.
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: words are cheap
torek, 16. oktober 2007
I dont sell myself! At all!
Reading some of your blogs, got me thinking.
You see, I live by myself. I was in a relationship, that ended more than a year ago. Now, I'm single. Looking? Not realy. I mean, that isnt the only thing on my mind, if you get what Im saying.
I know, I'm far from being a perfect man. The kind, a woman wants to live with. I'm dominant, agressive(I DONT hit women), excentric, very openminded :), and a bit like an neandertal. But at least, Im honest, I stand to what I say, and I love with heart and soul.
Now, believe me, it's easyer to live with a man, that is domestic, gentle, with soft eyes and a warm hug, when you come home. Not me. I will hug you, but not just because you came home. I have to see, you want me to hug you. I will look at you with such love in my eyes, that your spine will start bending, but there will be fire in my eyes. I will pick up my clothes, but when I feel like it. And ussually the same time I picked up yours, after I ripped them of you and draged you on the kitchen floor.
You want a man, that will ask for your opinion. Ok. But I'll ask you, when I feel I need it. Just like I dont expect you to ask my permission on everything you want to do.
I mean, what do you women want? DO YOU WANT A MAN? Or do you want a fucking metrosexual?
Do you want a dog, or someone, you can allways run to. Someone that will be there when it matters, and not every other time. Someone, that will say what he means, and know what he's talking about. Someone, that wont just say, what you want to hear.
A nice guy, or someone, that will tell you, you are wrong, when you really are.
I want a women, that will make my day, just by looking at me. Someone, I can respect, talk to, make love to, .... But I also want her, to be a woman from time to time. Watch her step up to me, her eyes closed, waiting for my kiss, shaking when she feels my hand on her spine.
I will never be with someone, just so I'm not alone. Can you take me for who I am? Can you handle me? Can you handle the fact, that Im too wild to handle? Do you know what you want?
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: women
ponedeljek, 15. oktober 2007
I see you were here. Twice. Anything to say?
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 14. oktober 2007
Another day. Another fight. Another battle. My way.
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 13. oktober 2007
How would you like to meet me at night?
"My intuition tells me there will be fun for a killerfish tonight." And his eyes light up. "Is there anyone that would like to try himself out?"
people that just cant help themselfs
Morning everybody
I'm nostalgic. Lets see if this song(left side- Play me)(for those, with no understanding of Bosnian- Lime trees are blossoming; that would be the title in English; just listen to the instruments, and his voice) and a coffee with a friend can change that. I have a long day and night ahead of me.
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 12. oktober 2007
Vodka time
Just read something, that has made my heart crawl back inside the rock, where it use to dwell. There is a song you can play on the left side of the blog(the bottom choice is the original). It's playing inside my head right now. I'm getting wasted.
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 10. oktober 2007
Catch me if you can
Just got home. I'll write more later. Right now, I'm burning with energy, and I'm going for a run. Let's see just how fast my muscles can move hehehe.
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 7. oktober 2007
Upside down heart
I spent yesterday, with a group of people, that is something extraordinary.
We got together, to celebrate a birthday. But mostly just to see eachother. We rented a house in the hills, where we can be undisturbed.
Now, what makes us unique, is that allthou we go a long way back but live in very different worlds today, we still hug eachother when we come together. We still feel for eachother.
You see, we are all in a way very good at what we do, but our proffesions differ very much. I wont go in to each and every one of us, but its a sortiment that goes from politicians to drug dealers. That dont matter when we're together thou. The past, and the affection for eachother goes beyond the present.
Each time we do this, I feel like I'm home. Like I'm in my living room, with my family. We cook, we eat, drink, talk, laugh like little children, and we hug. It's so special, it allmost makes me cry.
And when we part, I feel so empty. So sad.
We promise, silentlly, to each other, friendship. But we leave. We go back to reality. And a small part of me, goes with them each time.
This is for my friends. Till we meet again.
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 5. oktober 2007
A free man
Just the way I like it. I'm able to do anything I please till monday. I'll probably take on another job than. But it's a long time till monday, and if I should get lost, well, I guess that will mean the job will just have to wait.
Now, what to do?
I'll start with a morning run, 10 Km. Nothing like a run. Ok, morning sex takes the cake, but we might have a slight problem there. Not at all easy having sex on your own. If you are a man that is.
Than I'll go shoping. What good does money do you, if you dont spend it. I think I'll buy me some shoes today. And boots. I need army boots too.
Than Ill go look at some bikes. Just to make the decision for next year. And to torture myself. I know you cant understand it, but let me help you. It's like being inlove with somebody, somebody that you see and even touch every day, but cant have him or her. You can only imagine. Only fantasise.
And than. Than Fish is getting drunk. Ohhhh yeahhhh. I'm getting wasted. I will have a vodka or ten of them, and than go on drinking beer. Drive around. There is a good side to being me too. You can get wasted, and everyone leaves you alone. They dont even look at you. Well, not directly anyway. And I have fun provoking them. I enjoy the looks on the faces of those shocked and retarded motherfuckers. The sky is the limit. No place is safe tonight, cause the beast is out.
If you hear a roar in the dark later, at midnight, close the doors. I'm outside.
You can buy me a drink thou. All you have to do is step up hahahahahahahahahaha
In the words of my friend, Paddy Boy, "Slaves shall serve, slaves shall serve, slaves shall fuckin serve!!!!!!"
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 1. oktober 2007
Burned out
I'm dead tired, I hurt all over. My muscles tremble, my blood runs throu me like wild.
Where is someone to give me a massage, and than squeeze close to me, taking me to dream land.
Oh yeah, I sold my bike. Somebody shoot me, a knife wont do it, it has been tryed before.
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 29. september 2007
petek, 28. september 2007
Tell me, does anyone else get turned on by danger? I do.
Gets my blood flowing, my veins swell, heart starts pumping faster. I smell like pure testosterone! Almost something erotic seems to fill the air.
Adrenaline makes my engine run.
Come, join the joy ride. I feel alive! Do you?
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: Adrenaline
četrtek, 27. september 2007
When it was still summer
Found these photos today. It was a good day, in the middle of June. Even I get a hug somethimes.Now, around this time, many were allready wasted, hahahaha.
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: party
sreda, 26. september 2007
I am being threatened by Jimbo. His words exactly were:"I will get u FISH
i will be back"
Now I am not used to people threatening me, Its usually the other way around. So this is new to me.
How to react?
Should I hide?
Will Jim roll up a joint, and blow smoke from India, where he is located, probably to be able to abuse women and smoke pot all day long!?
Well Jim, do your best, but dont dislocate any part of your body, you hear. Take care now.
people that just cant help themselfs
It's full moon. A special time for me. The moon affects me very much, especially when full. It kind of brings out the primal in me. Even more than I usually am.
.jpg)
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 25. september 2007
Miles are getting longer it seems,
the closer I get.......
people that just cant help themselfs
I said I will do this, a couple days ago, and I will try.
I'll start with a man, that I think about a lot lately. He enters my dreams often, in a way reminding me of the past. Making it impossible to forget.
I have not seen him in years, and dont realy know where he could be. Last I heard, he was in Ukrain, working as a bodyguard for some rich ass. I doubt that he is still alive.
Elkas was born in Bosnia, I think in 1970. Just a normal boy from a normal Bosnian family, living a restricted life in the SFRJ. All I know about him before the war, is that he in some point of his life, came to Slovenia, to work.
By this time, he has grown in to a 6'5(198cm), and a 110 kg heavy man. Quite handsome, as far as I can comment that, without being accused of anything.
I think his life was just fine, till the war started.
He left Slovenia in 1993, to join the war in his home land. Half of his family was slaughtered by than, but he only found out about it when he arrived( he found pieces of his sisters in the corn field).
He joined the 5. Korpus, a brigade located around Bužim, near the Croatian/Bosnian border. He was quickly transfered to a small unit, a platoon lead by the man, later called " the Bosnian Arcan", but I'll write about him some other time. This was a platoon, put together for the soul purpose of killing anything alive they should find.
For those of you, who do not know what exactly was going on in Bosnia at that time, I will provide some info. The Bosnians, were defending themselfs from the Serbs on one side, and the Croatians on the other. And at some point even the Bosnians split in to two partys, fighting with eachother. The fights were bloody, and there was a policy of not taking prisoners. Once brothers were now mortal enemys.
Now, what made Elkas great, and this affected me strongly, was what happened one autumn day in 1995.
The platoon was fighting enemy units, somewhere between Bužim and Kladuša. The fights were going on for days, leaving the survivors tired to the point of death.
Elkas was in the first line of fire, and was forced to enter a bunker, where another man from the platoon was allready located, shooting fiercely at the enemy. Each of them occupied a different opening, and they continued to fire.
At that point, the enemy units located the bunker, opening fire at them, using mortars. Before thay could escape the trap, a missile flew in throu the opening, and passed Elkas about 30 cm(1 foot) away from him, hitting the back of the bunker.
Now, a rocket flying, creates enormous heat. And flying so close to Elkas, it burned out half of his abdominum, at the same time preventing bleeding, as the burning sealed the wound. It was like 1/10 of his body was instantly missing.
As the missile hit the bunker, it blew the other mans legs of. He was lain there, no legs, bleeding to death.
Elkas, missing a large part of his body, grabed the man, and carried him almost half a mile back, to where he could get help. As he made it, Elkas fell in to coma, to be awaken almost one year later.
The only reason Elkas survived was, his father bringing enough money to the doctor, so he didnt just cover him with a sheet(as it was custom during this war).
What Elkas did, left a mark on many. Made me think about who we are, and what we can do. He played his part well.
What we do today, echoes in eternity. He will live forever.
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: Zgodbe
ponedeljek, 24. september 2007
Was bound to happen
Fish had a smaller accident with his motorcycle today. Dont worry, the bike's fine.
Oh yeah, he's ok too.
people that just cant help themselfs
Happy birthday Jurka
It's my sisters birthday. She turns XX today.
I wish you everything sis. I wish you the world. And I love you, more than I have ever told you.
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 23. september 2007
Has to be done
I decided, I will post storys of people I knew, that were realy special. People from the war, people I knew here, people that have affected my life with their greatness. Some dead, some disappeared for other reasons.
Maybe I'll start today.
people that just cant help themselfs
Listening to Chris Doughtry, i sit here, and think about what is going on. Its morning, and the sun is rising. I'm confused, not realy used to things like this. I am good at hating people, I had a lot of practise, but not realy big on likeing somebody. Do I know how? So I'm not stone cold after all.
Sold my motorcycle today. The buyer was just here, gave me a down payment, and will pick the bike up sometime next week. Sold it for 7000$.
I'll buy another next year. If I dont move before that.
Its my sisters birthday on monday. What should I get her, when nothing is realy good enough for her in my eyes?! Any ideas?
Is there a place where feeling good dont cost a thing?
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 22. september 2007
fishizem Nr. XXX
I thougt of this one today, talking to some guy, I have just met.
The boss is not the man runing the company, it's the man screwing the secretary.
people that just cant help themselfs
Call me stupid
Let me first say, I have started this day in such a good mood, as not since a long long looooooong time. If it was raining outside, the sun would be shineing inside of me. I was waked up by an amazing creature, causeing me to forget the time.
Than, things got even better, my sister came to visit, and that happens only a couple times a year.
Sometimes, life is just great, dont you think.
Well, leave it to Aljaž, to ruin everything.
After my sis left, I went to the store on my motorcycle. And of course, I wouldnt have been myself, if I wouldnt have gone chaseing after my sister. No helmet on, short sleeves, jeans, etc.
I caught up with her after a few Km, but wouldnt you know it, exactlly at that moment, the cops came by. Since I didnt want to talk to them, I speeded up( did I ever tell you, I tend to drive a bit too fast), and passed my sisters car at about 200-250 km/h, beetween two cars, which caused a little panic on the road, and scared my sis.
Now, she doesnt want to talk to me, because I am a prick, as she delicatelly put in a short message she sent me on my cell phone.
So, if I ever stop posting, I was either involved in a crash, and was scraped of the road with a showell, or I was stabbed in a street fight, quarreling over something, not even worth mentioning.
Dont be mad at me, I am an ass, and will be born as a cockroach in my next life. I have to go and hit myself on the head now.
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 21. september 2007
Freak show in my head
Have you ever wondered, what people actually think of, when talking to you? Do they give a shit? Do they mean it, when they say something?
I analize everything. Comes in handy somethimes, but is killing me on the otherhand. I learned to be like this, years ago. I had to, otherwise I would have been eaten alive by the society and the world I lived in.
Jp, it must be nice, if you can turn off your brain, send your intuition on a break, and if anything, wonder if your dick is big enough, and whether the waitress has noticed how big your byceps look.
I'm a freak. It's like the Red hot chilli peppers would be having a concert in my head. I never blush, but tend to embarace others all the time. If you see a naked guy on a downhill bike, full of tatoos and a strange smile on his face, rideing of a mountain like the devil is behind him, say hello. I'll say hello back.
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 20. september 2007
Same shit as allways
I had a small fight with a friend of mine today. As much as I hate fighting with my friends, I belive he deserved it. But in the end efect, I feel dissapointed again. We were playing hockey on rollerblades, and I left in the midlle of the match, because otherwise I would have hit him.
Shit, shit, shit, shit. I belong in Sibiria or a rainforest somewhere, far away from the civilisation.
We talked about idealism, and I was shocked and most of all impressed. He is a bigger man than I am. I lost faith in people a long time ago. It died with some friends of mine. I hope there are more of your kind Reg. And I hope, I will someday meet you. Take a holliday do, we will talk and drink till we drop.
But still, I fight, I try to be a better person I once was. And than I get dissapointed with the people I live and even feel close to.
And than, I locate the ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR on Keshi's blog. I would love to spend 15 minutes in a closed room with him.
This is what Jim had to say about a women, that is getting beat up by her husband(he wrote these lines as comments on the theme):
- domestic violence is a khandani matter, you should not interfere
-shit, why did you have to spoil my birthday with this heavy post(we are sorry Jim, that we spoke about this on your birthday, we will never talk about this again. And the woman getting beat up, will go and sit silently in the corner; you sick bastard, you fuckhead, I would love to get my hands on you and that husband. I would show you a new meaning of pain, you shitforbrainsIhopeyousuffer)
And my favorate: Jim saw an older man being hit on by this man's son. The older man later died of HUNGER and starvation. Jim said:" I chose to let things stand. I could not help in the long run."
What can I say. Burn in hell Jim. And if we should ever meet, you will wish, you were in hell allready.
I make a promise here and today. I will never say no to anyone, if he will ask for my help.
I'm sad.
people that just cant help themselfs
My californian princess Dyna, has retagged me, and to honnor her, I will do it. This is for you Dyna. I am to use my nick FISH.
F- Fight. I was born a fighter and have been fighting all my life. I have fought with my fists(and I am very, very good at it), with weapons(I am a sniper, was the best shooter in my batalion), and with my mind, usually for others, and somethimes for myself. And I will keep fighting, hopefully not by myself.
I- Intellect. I have a mind, and IQ, that has got me in and out of trouble, times and times again.
S- Sun. I love sunshine. I love heat. I am aries, born under Mars, god of fire and war. I burn on the inside, and I live my life just like it. I love and hate so strong, the sun can't create so much heat. Hahaha, I am Mars.
H- High. Flying high with my parachute, driveing at high speeds with my motorcycle, raceing where others dont dare, climbing high with my safety off, hiiiiiigh
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 19. september 2007
players- you must list one fact, word or tidbit that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your first or middle name.
when you are tagged you can write your own blog-post containing your name facts etc.
at the end of your blog-post you can choose the amount of people that your name has to tag (i.e.- 6 letters, 6 people to tag). don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they have been tagged and to read your blog.
Whell than, let's try this. My first name is Aljaž, so:
A- Afrika. I have dreams of Africa, for as long as I can remember. I dream of kissing the sand and knowing I'm home. Allmost as if it was calling me.
L- Liberty. I am a free man, that has seen to many wars and prisons from the inside, and therefor charish my freedom and the freedom of my country.
J- Jurka, my sister. My better side. The one good thing that god gave me, and did not take away. I love my sister.
A- Adrenalin. I have done everything possible in my life, to feel more alive. I still search for that kick, but it seems harder and harder to find. I will probably die trying, if I don't find something so dear to me, that it can make me stop.
Z- Zion. A term that most often designates the Land of Izrael, where my ancestors come from. I am an ateist, but still remember where my blood originates.
So, thats it. I hope I did ok, but that is for you to decide.
I tagg:
Miss s
Totally optional of course!
Oh and, I have chozen you out of pure affection. And to annoy Reg.
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 18. september 2007
Days of thunder
No realy, its raining outside, one storm after the other today.
So, Fish faces a dilema!
What to do with myself?
I could clean around the house, whipe of some dust, that has been there since my last cleaning action, right before the last time I had sex in this house. And its been a while.
Neeee, I'll wait till the next time a women will be foolish enough to enter my lair, and clean up right before that hapens, sort of forced to do it.
Kidding, its not that bad, the dust I mean. I pay a women to come around and clean 3 times a week. The sex part is true, I get laid far to rarely.
Actually, come to think about it, it has been something more than a year since the-former-Mrs-Fish and I parted, and since than I have been in bed with four women, none of them vaguely good enough to keep arround for a longer period of time.
Im sorry ladies, if any of you should be reading this, I am a pig and the only thing I have to say is oink oink. You simply did not pass the could-she-be-the-mother-of-my-children test.
No realy, fact is, I am a man, and that means I am able to hop in to bed with someone, without having any feelings for her. Hell, I can even hate the woman, but I will still have sex with her, if 2 things are ok- her apperance and offcourse, if she is willing to have me.
For anything more, there has to be that something, that magic in the air. Sadly, I tend to avoid having sex with women, who could have a greater affect on me, out of safety reasones. Not to mention, that there are not many of the kind arround.
Perhaps I should go profesional, combine work with pleasure. Hm, I wonder how that would turn out!
Any prepositions from my two readers? Ha? Say what?
people that just cant help themselfs
ponedeljek, 17. september 2007
I'm not accusing, I'm just saying
An interesting thought came to mind. Could I have found the guilty party?
Where did Reg Pither spend his holiday this year?And did he attempt to have a barbecue there?
If guilty, he might have to take the Rate my life quiz again!
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: Reg
It has to hurt, so you can appreciate it!
people that just cant help themselfs
Do I ride to get my adrenalin level up, or am I realy looking for a way to end this story without having to violently take matters in my own hands?
Do I want to die?
Am I able to start enjoying my life? How am I to do that?
Can I put the past behind me? How do I do that?
people that just cant help themselfs
nedelja, 16. september 2007
smack my bitch up
I spent yesterday evening in the local pub, watching a game on TV. Thank god, atleast the game was good, Russia vs. Litva, because otherwise, I would have hang myself from a bridge with a sign on me:" Leave hanging till stiff for sure".
You see, I am getting tired of spending these Saturday evenings by myself or in the company of my drinking pals , discoussing things with the imaginary creatures, that live in my head. Its not that I wouldnt like them, I just seem to know exactly what they will say, and that makes the conversation as interesting as watching Brad Pitt adopt another poor child, to get some publicity other than a new haircut.
Its been so, for a year now. Since Lidija left.( for those of you, who might have got lost and found their way to my blog, Lidija is my ex-girlfriend, that I've lived with the past 8 years, till she saved herself and took a run for it). At first, it was just the parting and the loss of a loved one, that was geting me down, but then I started geting lost in the past, going throu my life all over and over again. Now I dont seem to know how to stop.
I was never realy normal, I mean, people were never realy fond of spending time with me. They were either afraid of me, or just irritated by my presence. Damn, even the dogs liked me only because I was hiperactive. I was dissliked by my teachers as a child, for allways having a different opinion(whitch was absolutely a NO NO in the Socialistic federative republic of Yugoslavia). I remember bringing a book in school when I was 6, with the Title "A Naci and a hairdresser", by Edgar Hilson, and the school called the Police. Sadlly I was not shot. Coulde save me a lot of trouble. And the children were not my fans either.
So I was taged as a threat to my enviroment, by the time I was 12(you see, I realy did hate the sistem here), and not many parents were eager to have theire children playing with me.
My parents, unfortunatelly were either dead or in my mothers case "brain dead" and apsent, so there was not much help coming from there either.
Forget the fact, that I have seen more dead people till the age of 18, than most people see on TV. It realy couldnt make much more damage in my head anyhow.
You get used to it, being alone most of the time, and when you get old enough, you find out that people suck and have nothing to say anyway.
But, I made the mistake of falling in love and had the bad luck of her falling in love with me. I still dont know how I was ever able to respect someone, who is dumn enough to fall in love with me. And so, I found out, that there is another way of doing it(living that is), and that it is a shit load more fun than how I was doing it before.
Well, in time I fucked up, as expected( I bet my left testical (dont seem to need it) that her father said " I told you so"), and was left without anything but what I had on me, because she took everything else. The freak I am, I even helped her load the truck, and paid for the ride( someone smack me, please).
Thank god, we had no children. She'd had made me crawl for them.
Now, I'm over her, but I just cant get used to the thougth, that I might just as well take my dog in the house, because there is a bigger chance of Reginald Pither getting a barbecue started without burning down half of Grantham, than me finding another women that will even consider spending time with me. Not if she's normal that is.
I even considered going to an AA meating, just to find some companie. I don have an alcohol problem, but if there are interresting people near by, I am most likely to find them among the AA. Where else.
people that just cant help themselfs
sobota, 15. september 2007
Sleep well
Yesterday, another local motorcycleist died on our roads. Raceing as a way of life. Makes me wonder, when am I due to go? RIP
people that just cant help themselfs
petek, 14. september 2007
"Like computer viruses, successful mind viruses will tend to be hard for their victims to detect. If you are the victim of one, the chances are that you won't know it, and may even vigorously deny it."
Richard Dawkins
I use an antivirus program, called UMBC, or Using My Brain Cells. I dont deny constant attacs and brakeins, but the program has so far helped me to keep my mind working correctly, defragmented and in use 24/7.
I update it every day, stuffing in as much usefull info I can find, but try to avoid certain newspapers and tv shows, out of fear of being influenced by people working for the people creating mind viruses.
I avoid curches, first of all, because I could just bump in to a priest, and than by chance have to listen to his holly stupidity, and secondly, because of fear of holly water, after seing what efect it can have on the evil in Blade I-III.
But my main test is, I go and watch Jerry Springer from time to time. And as long, as I still find it stupid, obcene, repulsive and annoying, I gues I'm fine.
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: Mind
Its Dynas birthday tomorrow, on saturday, 15. 9.
Since she will be away, drinking silly, i will congratulate her today.
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you Dyna,
happy birthday to you.
I think she will just turn 25.
(I apollogize for the annoing voice singing)
people that just cant help themselfs
četrtek, 13. september 2007
Made my day
I came home, mentally and fizikly tired, from the exam, and the ride there and back( drove like a true maniac; Valentino Rossi couldt be faster), took a shower and made myself something to eat.
Just before I would have gone out, to take my dog on his evening walk, I just checked some blogs, while I was eating.
What I found, shocked me so much, I honestly did not know how to react, or what to say.
Thank you Dyna.
I took this picture this morning. Since I cant give you a flower in person, I can atleast give you this one. It is just as unique as you are.
people that just cant help themselfs
sreda, 12. september 2007
Exams, or stomack acid production
Passed one exam last week, and I have one tomorrow at 15.00 PM.
I'm nervus, tired and kind of pissed at myself, for not haveing studyed as hard as I should have. Every excuse was good enough to get me away from books. Even now, I'm siting here, stareing at my computer instead of working my ass off.
Disapointing. I really am a man. I have an attention span of a dead horse( exept when my hormones call). Jp, a man. No doubt about it.
So, wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.
people that just cant help themselfs
torek, 11. september 2007
Meet Mars, my little god of war
They say, that pets and masters look alike. Hehe, well atleast he is cute, but so was I , when I was 5 month old.
people that just cant help themselfs
Oznake: Pets
My my my
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people that just cant help themselfs