Ok, this will be my last post...for now...since I still have not decided, if I will delete the blog, or make it private...invites and all that shit...
So, whatever I shall do, this will be the last, that everyone is able to read... the shop closes on sunday
You know, I'm real confused lately... even more than usually... I seemed to have developed a human touch... and that sucks
I hate having feelings...other than hate...I can handle hate...the rest, aaaaaaa, the rest is a question to me
let me try to explain
there are certain rules, one should go by, in order to avoid problems...here's some of them
never listen to the person, you intend to beat up, shoot, or hurt in any way...this way, he remains a stranger...and you dont give a fuck
never go on a drink with a woman, you intend to screw only once...she might get the wrong idea
never talk to a woman, that you feel you could fall in love with...that is even more true, if she is in a relationship...and even more, if you doubt the chance of her falling in love with you
never do buisness with friends...there is a chance your friend might turn in to your enemy
never cheat on your woman with her girlfriends...no matter how they beg...sooner or later they will turn on you
never ask for fawors...you will owe them one
I could go on and on...but, it's useless, since the fact that I know them, doesnt prevent me from not keeping them...and so Im confused...you can guess for yourselfs, which one of them I didnt go by
bye for now
četrtek, 29. november 2007
Bye for now
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12 komentarjev:
So freely written,
so intensively felt,
so sincerely meant
so heart-touching
So ... so You!
The last post and the blog itself.
Don't delete your little masterpieces and your feelings. At least make them private.
Če ga nameravaš izbrisat, mi povej, da začnem že danes shranjevat vse poste ;)
"Če ga nameravaš izbrisat, mi povej, da začnem že danes shranjevat vse poste ;)"
Sej ne da sem na to tudi sama pomislila, hehe.
As I suggested today, send invites and have control on whos reading your thoughts. ;)
very you fish...
so many rules, so easy to break them...
That was great Fish...
I dont know all you that long but surely this will be missed...Good luck in the future dude
it's not how it seems like. u'll come back with pieces of you.
some strangers would like to have u in the shades of writing like me - one: If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it. - u did all that in your own way, so enjoy writing about your life from now on in the other rythm that will fit 2 u.
answer 2 your profile: Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.
(A N)
zakaj bi nehal pisat?? se mi ne da brat k je v angleščini :mrgreen:
Se posvetim ostalim kasneje...Pika, kako si drzneš sploh pisat takšna vprašanja, če hkrati izražaš, da se ti ne da brat, ker je v drugem jeziku....daj se zadrži, ali pa nauči še kaj več kot le Slovenščine
Brez veze, da nehaš, ker so what, če te kdo spozna. Kar se tiče policije -se te stvari tako ali tako preverjajo, če si a big fish-ampak jaz mislim, da si ti majhna ribica-pa brez zamere. Velike ribe so konzervativni gospodje v kravatah. Poznam ta svet. Arkan je pa en navaden morilec in bednik, če ga slučajno občuduješ. Drugače mi pa pišeš v redu, pa tudi angleščina ti ni slaba-me spominjaš na nekoga, isto odrasel brez očeta in ga je privlačilo prepovedano in je imel precej široko dušo, veliko karizme itd. Billy Izaack.Vsak izbira svoj način življenja, se mi pa zdi, da ti ne bi škodilo malce "prizmeljitve" Mogoče sodim po sebi, ki me je precej nosilo in lahko napišem kar nekaj knjig o vsemu kar se mi je "zdogajalo"-sedaj me je pa malo prizemljilo-in se mi zdijo neka moja razmišljanja iz preteklosti malo smešna.
i have something for you dude... even though you've gone i'd like you to know about it anyway...
You Totally Blow My Mind
So F..I...S...H...
Thank you
there is a new motion in progress
Im good at braking rules, aint I
30 minutes ago, I broke something else...and it did me good...didnt do him good thou
Luck is an ilusion
I found "If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it." on your blog...since your profile is private...you see, I have a problem...I tend to say what I mean
seveda sem mala riba...sicer sploh ne bi imel težav...ampak ravno to je problem...poleg tega, so stvari, ki jih tu ni napisanih, in ki jih ne bo(bi pa pojasnile moje dileme)
Arkan...ne ne, spet zgodba, ki jo ne poznaš...moje izkušnje so kakršne so, ne glede na vse ostalo...in tisto ostalo ne vpliva na to
AMPAK...ne bomo pa o prizemljitvi...me znaš užalit...če daš moje telo od blizu, ti je hitro jasno, da sem bil dostikrat prizemljen...če greš v detajle mojega življenja, se moram trudit, da se vsaj malo odzemljim, da se mi ne bi zmešalo
oprosti, ampak ne poznaš me, in verjamem, da se ti zdi marsikaj absurdno...veš kaj je še bolj absurdno, da se mi take idiotarije zares dogajajo...magnet za slabe stvari...in slabe ljudi
Btw....moj oče...ni mi težko zaradi njega...če bi še živel, bi bil navaden razvajen nikoli odrasel dolgočasnež...raje sem poln brazgotin
no, pravzaprav je to deloma razlog, zakaj sem v dilemi glede bloga, namreč, glede na to, da ne morem povedat vsega, preostalo izpade izven konteksta...in potem se moram zagovarjat tujcem...jaz pa se ne rad sploh zagovarjam...ker si pridržujem edino stvar ki jo imam...samega sebe in svojo svobodo
i dont want it to be private :) didnt see that, didnt pay attention to it...yes, I have my own blog: www.ameli.blog.siol.net, but in comments I'm Ana - everywhere...so u've found me, heh
and yes, again, I used a few days ago this quote, it's quite familiar too my thoughts, to my concept of writing...it's some kind of release...u should follow this one or...not...as u wish of course...So, what do u think? :)
and yes, I welcome u to Bložič party if u're curious... (they're always in absence)..see post on clovek.blog.siol.net
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