here's my last decision... the blog remains open.
I have a few words to say...and rules to set.
I decided to do so, because despite the fact, that the blogosfhere is not the best thing for my future... and the fact, that there are more than enough idiots reading this.... I will not start backing off... my life and what I do, is who I am... and I will not hide from people, that dont even deserve my attention... screw you
But I will never talk about my family again... and I will erase all older posts, that I find not suitable...
sobota, 1. december 2007
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9 komentarjev:
awesome dude!
najs :)
vsakič, ko me prime, da neham...vedno so za to krivi neki drugi...pošljem vse v 3 pm...potem se spravim h globokoumnemu razmišljanju o tem in onem smislu (da bi lahk dizertacijo napisala)...preteče nekaj dni in že me sili, da spet nekaj ubesedim. neverending story. za vsak slučaj si grem kupit nov zveščič in super lepo pisalo...
forgot to type in english :neutral:
conclusion: good decision!
looking clouds right now trought the library window...perfect: smooth purple& blue. that leads me to do something... how do u see things around u? as they are or as u are?
Ana, mene ni prijelo kar tako... je pa res, da je za mano svinjski mesec, poln pizdarij,ki je malo zmanjšal mojo potrpežljivost
ampak, končna odločitev, je pa nastala ravno zaradi teh stvari... ne bom zapiral zaradi bednikov... hvala pa za podporo v času ko sem se odločeval... je pomagala
I see them... the purple blue...
Things around me... unfortunately, I cant see things other than how they realy are... but I do see more, if I feel something... you understand... I can see the fog hugging the hills around me, if there is love in me... and I am blind, if I am burning up with anger
and you?
u see, everything has its own ending...i can imagine - bleeds and aches for a while, then it's over (svinjski mesec thing)... must be. - i knew one guy who had real problems, i mean his inner side was totaly damaged...i talked to him a lot...his life was based on confused, sometimes quite inteligent, but mostly dark thoughts, traumatic ...state of mind was cinic, agressive, but at the same time soo fragile. i was not trying to convince him, just repeating my point of you and at the same time be objective, searching the best reason why not to give up. it was hard for him to see things as they are...most of the time we see them as we are and beacuse of that we fall too many times in chaos without exit. at the end...he get well (couldn't believe) :)this was one of the best moments in my life, cause he said i was the reason, cool isn't it ;P
if u know how to, u can feel them with both sides...both views...u just have to be relaxed, flexible with own thoughts, imagination, be calmed - not that easy, but its possible...and yes, as u said, emotional factor opens you also other horizons.
not quite sure about me...most of the time i'm confused :) more or less I see world around me in different colors (to be poetic - its easier sometimes). i really try to see them in their real picture (but what is real here).
anyway...I'm trying to find more other views which my mind has never "seen" before.
right now...i see it clear with unconfidence un peu heh
(not cheking my grammar...shit :P
aja, sure... its my pleasure :)
if we can do something...words can help too...expressing yourself in the most simple and sincere way trought writing - interesting, inspiring, and therapeutic :)
good compromise. ;)
Im glad u didnt let ppl get to ya.
wow i've missed a lot
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