Passed one exam last week, and I have one tomorrow at 15.00 PM.
I'm nervus, tired and kind of pissed at myself, for not haveing studyed as hard as I should have. Every excuse was good enough to get me away from books. Even now, I'm siting here, stareing at my computer instead of working my ass off.
Disapointing. I really am a man. I have an attention span of a dead horse( exept when my hormones call). Jp, a man. No doubt about it.
So, wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.
sreda, 12. september 2007
Exams, or stomack acid production
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13 komentarjev:
I remember that exact cycle when I was studying for my Master's exit exam. Don't beat yourself up, you usually do better than you expect on these things. Well, we pass anyway! You'll be great.
Thanks, will try.
Malce pozna, ampak predpostavimo, da ti je šlo enkratno in niti nisi potreboval sreče. :)
well, the results will be known on tuesday. Ofcourse there is still the verbal part of the exam to come.But, perhaps all will be ok.
Hvala Tamala hehehe.
Ne vem, raje ne bi o občutkih, so lahko varajoči( sploh če vzameva v obzir, da so "moji" občutki ki, kot si verjetno že opazila, nisem najbolj normalen osebek na tej zemlji in, ki, roko na srce, še sam ne zaupam svojim občutkom.
Upam le, da mi bo šlo vsaj pol tako dobro, kot predvidevam, da gre tebi.
Uf, iskreno upam, da ti bo šlo pol bolje kot meni, glede na to, da mi zadnje čase nič ne uspeva, ampak dokler so mi podaljšal absolventa sem vesela.
Občutki - ne bi o tem. Edino vprašanje, ki me razjezi po izpitu je "Kakšen občutek maš?"
hehe, poznam občutek.
Ah klinc, kar bo, bo. V najslabšem primeru, ga bom šel pa še enkrat pisat.
Kje pa si na faksu? Lj?
Lj, Kemija.
Eh, že res, da ostaja verjetnost ponovnega opravljanja izpita ampak komu se pa da spet vse učit.
I've got an idea. If all shoud fail, I can still open a kebab stand with Reg Pither.
Kebab stand....
ni slaba ideja, še mojstre ki ti bodo delali in posel cveti
Ooo,Mevl, since the clock on your comment isnt set to our time, I see you are up at an unusualy late hour again.
best of luck! and, that is the freakiest picture i've ever seen!
Yes, it is, isnt it, hahaha
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