No realy, its raining outside, one storm after the other today.
So, Fish faces a dilema!
What to do with myself?
I could clean around the house, whipe of some dust, that has been there since my last cleaning action, right before the last time I had sex in this house. And its been a while.
Neeee, I'll wait till the next time a women will be foolish enough to enter my lair, and clean up right before that hapens, sort of forced to do it.
Kidding, its not that bad, the dust I mean. I pay a women to come around and clean 3 times a week. The sex part is true, I get laid far to rarely.
Actually, come to think about it, it has been something more than a year since the-former-Mrs-Fish and I parted, and since than I have been in bed with four women, none of them vaguely good enough to keep arround for a longer period of time.
Im sorry ladies, if any of you should be reading this, I am a pig and the only thing I have to say is oink oink. You simply did not pass the could-she-be-the-mother-of-my-children test.
No realy, fact is, I am a man, and that means I am able to hop in to bed with someone, without having any feelings for her. Hell, I can even hate the woman, but I will still have sex with her, if 2 things are ok- her apperance and offcourse, if she is willing to have me.
For anything more, there has to be that something, that magic in the air. Sadly, I tend to avoid having sex with women, who could have a greater affect on me, out of safety reasones. Not to mention, that there are not many of the kind arround.
Perhaps I should go profesional, combine work with pleasure. Hm, I wonder how that would turn out!
Any prepositions from my two readers? Ha? Say what?
torek, 18. september 2007
Days of thunder
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20 komentarjev:
Let me start with the easy part.
What to do with myself?
Start studying.
could-she-be-the-mother-of-my-children test
There is a test for that? Omg, did not know that. There are too many tests right now for me, so I'll skip this one.
safety reasones
I want to know more.
Work with pleasure.
Better keep them separate
Studying? How boring! You must be a kemistry student for sure.
Why ofcourse there is a test. Paperwork and everything.
I'm weak. Weak as a dog. So I have to avoid women, who I could learn to love, and fall under their power.
Make note:avoid interesting women too.
I can tell you more, if interested.
You realy are no fun at all, are you.
Of course I'm no fun at all. Afterall I am just a student of chemical technology. But still, you never know.
Perhaps we should meet sometime. I could try to make you more fun, and you can try to make me more serious at my studies.
It should work great, untill you get fun enough and I have to start avoiding you, and you have to start hateing me.
3 times a week? I'd say dusting is most likely unnecessary.
I never clean when men come over. It's always a last minute surprise and though I wish I did not tidy up, I wish I did.
Now, what to say? Have sex. Don't have sex. You sound like a normal man, except most of them still screw the ugly ones.
the woman that cleans my house, comes over 3 times a week, and does whatever is nessesery. Makes me feel better.
Well ofcourse you dont. Men dont look at anything but you anyway.
And I am not a normal, usual man. Take it back.
I take it back. You give flowers and talk about love with your drunk friends.
Now that I have posted here and at my own place, I guess I better get off my ass and go to work. After all, now I have a whole 10 minutes to wash and dress. FULL THROTTLE...........................enjoy the rain. Don't get all gloomy in the head. Get cozy like toast with butter and a freshly laundered blanket and a book. Love that...
Sej bi pisala v angleščini pa me glava čist preveč boli...
Ja in moj trud te zresnit za učenje bi šel v maloro.. efektivnost najbrž na nuli?
In jst ne zasovražim kar vsakega, ki mi prečka pot. Za to se je tudi treba potrudit tako da si ne laskaj
Nikakor si ne bi laskal s tem, da bi se ti zameril. Sem pa človek, ki ima veliko sovražnikov in očitno nadarjen za povečevanje števila le teh.
Za glavobol je najbrž kriva kombinacija stresa in vremena. Naprosyn?
Naj te čimprej neha bolet ti želim.
Moja efektivnost je ponavadi na nuli, čeprav se na koncu koncev vedno zborim in zmagam. Vedno sem bil prepuščen samemu sebi in posledično sem se naučil stati na nogah. Poleg tega vem kaj hočem.
Bi pa bilo vsekakor zanimivo te kdaj spoznat. Nikakor namreč ne mislim resno tega da nisi zabavna.
Poleg stresa in vremena naj dodam še literaturo, ki je meni osebno tako tuja, da se resnično mučim.
Pred tableto bom poskusila še nekaj bolj naravnega. Menda je dokazano da odganja glavobole.
Dejstvo, da veš kaj hočeš zna bit velikokrat trn v peti še posebej, če nikakor ne prideš do tega kar hočeš. Na koncu smo itak vsi prepuščeni samemu sebi in bo zadnji korak takšen kot se sam odločiš.
In to da nisem zabavna.. vleči se zdaj ven.. Kateri kemik je pa še bil zabaven?
Morda pa kdaj le zaidem na zgornji konec naše kokoške.
In kak način je to?
Hja, seveda stvari ne gredo vedno tako kot si želiš, ampak to pač preboliš. Jaz se vedno tolažim s tem, da sem preživel že stvari, ki bi pokopale skoraj vsakogar, in da je vse kar je še ostalo, lahko le še malenkost.
Ha, kemija poganja polovico mladih v Sloveniji! In res menim zaenkrat o tebi vse drugo, kot da si dolgočasna.
Thank you for takeing it back. I may be a pig, but I am not an average pig.
And I dont give flowers to just anyone!
Full throttle, my kind of woman. I dont know how to drive any other way.
I'll be fine. Will get wet do, I have to walk my dog.
here's something to do on a boring day-
you've been tagged! go to my blog for all the details- totally optional of course.
Karen, thank you for the idea. Will try, and keep you posted.
No in ker so ostale stvari le še malenkost bodi malce bolj optimističen in ne tako črnogled. You will get laid. Eventually.
Kakšen načim.. tak sproščujoč. Vsebuje tudi ogromno globokega dihanja.
Seveda nikakor ne morem biti dolgočasna saj vedno nekaj ušpičim za kar vedno poslušam, kako nepredvidljiva sem.
hey mate tnxx for stopping by my blog :)
** since than I have been in bed with four women, none of them vaguely good enough to keep arround for a longer period of time.
so they were bad in bed or bad outside bed or bad in both? LOL!
Uuuu, Mrs. Keshi stopped by. Its an honnor,
Your welcome, I stop over by yours every day.
What I meant was outside of bed, allthaw one was no good in it eather.
No realy, what I was talking about was sex, where you dont even think about anything else, but eventually start thinking about the absence of everything else and how you wouldnt mind having that eather.
hehehe ok!
**Mrs. Keshi
btw Im MISS ok! :)
I understand and apologize, Miss Keshi.
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