četrtek, 22. november 2007

La Tristesse Durera Toujours

You can try as hard as you like, plan every day to the detail, wish for things to go your way,....but...it's all in the moments
we wake up, or perhaps even start a new day, without realy ending yesterday, not knowing...
the world is changing...the old becoming obsolete...
what use to be certain...no longer is...what you were sure of....is now a lie
even when you look at yourself...you find a stranger...that's lost in the city of your mind
cruising throu impressions of the days behind you....realizing you're confused....not realy certain about anything anymore
when did all this happen...

That's why...I dont hope...about you....it would just condemn it...and make me...hurt

Music: Alanis - Mercy

5 komentarjev:

AngelConradie pravi ...

dude... i think you need a holiday!!! somewhere far away from your normal life, somewhere you can gather your thoughts and relook at your life!
big cyber hugs coming your way...

Katja Lenart pravi ...

žalost ne bo trajala večno...

Nosjunkie pravi ...

start a day without finishing yesterday... thats me

Szarek(Will) pravi ...

As angel said...dude take a vacation...Or you can try and drink your problems away,but that doesnt help...

ruthless36 pravi ...

crazy... the day you wrote this, was the day a relationship i had with a girl ended and i and plunged into the very same depths of insanity you describe here.

i was googling the last words ever said by Vincent Van Gogh after he tried commiting suicide and died 2 days later, "La Tristesse Derera Toujours" and i came across your blog a while ago.