četrtek, 25. oktober 2007

Police raid

This morning:
5 AM
Phone rings. Its D. " The cops. What do I do?"
Fish:"Stay quiet. Wait. I'll come get you."

7.30 AM
The cops left. They needed a warrant to brake in.
I wait till they leave, than pick up D.

7.45 AM
We call the police station, and tell them we're coming.

9.00 AM
We enter the police station.(we stoped for coffee on the way there hahahahaha)
2 cops come runing. I calm them down. "No need for panic. If we wanted trouble, you'd have it by now!"
They show us a warrant. Search of personal facilities. Possesion of weapons and illegal drugs.
Just as we are leaving the station, to be taken to D.'s place, the door opens, and "the godfather" enters. He has his wife with him.
D. says"hahahaha, have you come for a coup of coffee too?!"......................... Crazy fucker

All went well. I'm home, and D. is having a beer.

4 komentarji:

AngelConradie pravi ...

woah... gives me chills dude!

Nosjunkie pravi ...

hectic man

Keshi pravi ...

**we stoped for coffee on the way there


ok so why did the Police want to search ur place?


Fish pravi ...

it wasnt good for me either

its not me, its my life

hell, if we didnt stop for coffee, we might do something stupid at the police station,...dont talk to me, till I had my coffee

it was D.'s place, and they were looking for firearms and drugs
No idea why they would suspect, that we would have anything :)))))